Project H2GreenTech

About project

Strengthen crossborder R&I capacities in ADVANCED HYDROGEN TECHNOLOGIES by developing synergies between enterprises, R&D centres and higher education.

Hydrogen center

Improve better access and use of research infrastructure on hydrogen technologies in Slovenia and Austria with the establishment of One-stop-shop Hydrogen Center for enterprises, researchers and students, with clear strategy and action plan till 2025.

R&R projects

Build-up of competences of enterprises, R&D centres and higher education with implementation of joint CB projects on hydrogen technologies with developed three demonstration models for the practical demonstration of the developed prototypes and educational module.


Facilitate the CB cooperation among research institutions, enterprises an public administration with development of the crossborder Roadmap on low-carbon technologies with the commitment to implementation and dissemination.

Interreg SI-AT project

Partners from Slovenia and Austria

H2GreenTECH is an Interreg SI-AT project at the Styrian Chamber of Commerce, which brings together 3 partners from Slovenia and 4 partners from Austria. The project strengthens regional cooperation and research and innovation in the field of hydrogen technologies through cross-border cooperation of companies, development and research (R&D) centers and higher education.


Single entry point

Strengthen companies through networking and knowledge sharing within the strong HYDROGEN CENTER network. We want to make infrastructure accessible to small and medium-sized enterprises with a single HYDROGEN CENTER entry point for access to framework, research and analytical technologies that will stimulate the development and growth of this regional sector.

We want to combine our regional advantages and technological knowledge for the establishment of the hydrogen technology sector in the area of Styria-Burgenland-Carinthia in Slovenia and Austria. Projekt se je začel s 1.3.2020, traja pa 30 mesecev. The main partner of the project is the Institute of Chemistry from Ljubljana.


Lead partner

Project partners

Ta projekt sofinancira Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj v okviru programa sodelovanja Interreg V-A Slovenija-Avstrija.
