2. Interregional Congress H₂GreenTECH | 25.11.2021

Dear H2-Enthusiast,

Within our INTERREG-research project H2GreenTech, the consortium is building a network of companies, research institutes, and others interested in the future of H2-technology in Slovenia and Austria. For further information about our project, visit:


To facilitate the interaction among H2 focused entities and broaden knowledge of ongoing research, we organize our second interregional Congress on 25. November 2021. You can find a detailed agenda below. The 2nd interregional Congress will focus on the R&D capabilities of the consortium and will give meaningful insights into ongoing projects.

The Congress takes place in a pure virtual form; you will furthermore get congress proceedings summarizing the presented topics. To attend the Congress, we kindly ask you to register using the following survey:


We will provide you with further information on how to participate via E-Mail.
09:00-09:15 Welcome and ConverStation Introduction
09:15-09:45 Slot A: TU Graz
09:45-10:15 Slot B: National Institute of Chemistry
10:15-10:45 Slot C: Forschung Burgenland
10:45-11:15 Slot D: FH Kärnten
11:15-11:45 Summary of activity since 1st Congress given by responsible authority (SGZ, Ministry of Slovenia)
11:45-12:00 Closing Words
12:00-open end Virtual coffee tables

Breakout into virtual coffee tables, moderated by the presenters:

• Virtual Coffee Table Session 1: TU Graz and National Institute of Chemistry

• Virtual Coffee Table Session 2: Forschung Burgenland and FH Kärnten


